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Yes, my sister, Erika Powers, races in Utah.Do you ever race her?She focuses on cross so I don’t really want to race her at that. She raced the Masters National Championship race last year and did well, then was wrecked out of the pro race. Erika has raced some National XC races with me, but this year has been rehabbing a hip injury.At Nationals, what happened? I had an asthma attack right after the start, once that happens there really isn’t replica Cartier w62018y5 watch anything I can do but pull out, it usually takes about two weeks to really recover from.Spec out your bike for us.Flash and Scalpel frames, Lefty 2.8lb forks, Cannondale Hollowgram SL 42/28 Cranks, NoTubes ZTR Podium MMX wheelset (sometimes the ZTR 29’er Race front wheel), Kenda tires, Magura SL Magnesium brakes, Jagwire cables and housings, WTB Silverado saddles, SRAM XX drivetrain and Time ATAC pedals.How do you feel about 29-inch wheels?