the one power that the Guardians have no power over. At least, not back in the day.It's also been pointed out, over at Indigo Tribe that the cover and one interior page both show a bunch of alien members of the Green Lantern Corps — and one of them is a Pierson's Puppeteer, one of the aliens from Niven's Known Space books!A lot of the replica Rolex 118209 Men's Watch stuff that Niven introduced to the Green Lantern universe has been tossed out since then, in the many waves of reinventions and reboots that Green Lantern has gone through. But his attempts to take some of the goofier aspects of Green Lantern lore and replace them with hard science (including the giant hand at the dawn of creation, and the idea that viewing the origins of everything unleashed “evil”) have helped bring Green Lantern a lot closer to being one of the all-time great science fiction universes.
[via Indigo Tribe and Scans Daily]”Not too surprisingly, it was a pair of Pokémon games for the Nintendo DS that sold better in Japan than anything else. Also not shocking is that the top ten games are dominated by titles for Nintendo platforms.Pokémon Black and White moved nearly 4.5 million copies in 2010, followed most closely by New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii, which scared up more than 4 million sales overseas. The replica Rolex 118348CDP Men's Watch only game in the top ten not to appear on Nintendo hardware was Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIII for the PlayStation 3.Sales tracker Media Create's numbers only run until the end of November, so one game is noticeably absent from the list: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd for the PSP.
God Eater Burst (PSP) - 388,06530. Sengoku Basara 3 (PS3) - 385,302”Square Enix's next Final Fantasy fighting game for the PSP will, at the very least, have some very handsome cinematics stuffed onto a UMD, as proven by the latest Japanese trailer for Dissidia 012 [duodecim] Final Fantasy.See new contenders and old replica Rolex 118208CDD Men's Watch favorites from Final Fantasy games new and old in the newest trailer for the PlayStation Portable game, which was recently shown at the Jump Festa 2011 event. Dissidia 012 [duodecim] Final Fantasy is due to hit PSPs in Japan and Europe in March, with Square Enix currently dating the game for North America during the spring.