
fake Mulberry bags have to offer.Classic Transfer Bag

"Just about every fashionable woman on the go is familiar with the pitfalls of coordinating bags. Every time you switch bags, you've got to move each and every crucial item, wasting lots of time and leading to misplaced lipstick, lost keys or a missing phone. Finally, the perfect solution to this age-old fashion quandary is here, with the interchangeable handbag organizing transfer bag.A combination of frequent airplane travel and general familiarity with life on the road inspired the signature Transfer Bag, a unique item that organizes all of your essential belongings and allows you to transfer them from one bag to the other quickly and easily with a big emphasis on cutting edge fashion.

The success of the Transfer bag has led to other great items such as the Ritz Bags, Posh Bags and the Eyeglasses Slippers line.Available in a wide range of stylish patterns, sizes and colors, transfer bags are organized into four categories: Classic, Big Timer, Little Traveler or Teenie and the Handle It collection. The following fabulous selections can serve to whet your appetite and give you a good overview of all that Transfer Bags have to offer.Classic Transfer Bag.

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