The ""bad"" type of knockoff tries to pass itself off as the real thing. These cheap rip-offs are mass produced from poor quality materials and workmanship, and are gussied up with designer tags to fool you into thinking you're getting a Vuitton, Prada, or Coach when you're not. These bags are counterfeits and if you buy one, you're probably being ripped off, because the seller will charge you many times what the item is worth while telling you you're getting a big discount on a valuable item.
By following a few easy tips, you can usually spot a counterfeit designer handbag. If you see a handbag that claims to be a genuine designer item being sold anywhere but a high-end department store or boutique, be very suspicious. Designers carefully control where their goods are sold, and they don't allow any inventory to escape to roadside markets and online auctions.When shopping online, follow the same rule and buy from high-profile internet shops. It's easy to rip customers off online because they can't see and handle the merchandise.
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